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带着一身美丽的伤痕 ¿_完成孤单的成人礼

时间: 2012-02-02 16:58:09  分类: 伤感日志  天气:风 

我们长大了,是吧 ?不再是那个累了就睡,饿了就吃,痛了就哭,伤了就躲,的孩子了吧? 现在的我﹌困了,逞强不睡;饿了,懒得做;痛了,自己忍;伤了,去面对ˊ


我们开始变得孤僻,孤独自私。以前,和朋友打打闹闹·K歌·逛街·上QQ拼命找人聊天· 现在,睡觉,发呆,听歌。就是我的生活,上了 QQ不是隐身,就是请勿打扰。不是没时间﹁而是觉得累。在道路上满身的伤痕,没人抚慰。我也学会了坚强。我的两面性,更强了吧!在朋友面前,我笑得灿烂。在自己面前,我哭的凄凉。我有时问自己 哭什么哭?自己不是打不死的小强吗? 一边骂自己,一边哭! 我喜欢发呆,盯着窗户。脑袋空白,有时笑·有时哭。最近我喜欢上了«Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You »这首歌

If I had to live my life without you near me ,如果我的生命中一定没有你在我身旁,

  The days would all be empty ,白天将会一片空虚

  The nights would seem so long ,夜晚将会漫漫无边,

  With you I see forever oh so clearly 。有你我看得更远更清晰。

  I might have been in love before ,我以前可能爱过,

  But it never felt this strong ,但不会如此强烈,

  Our dreams are young and we both know ,我们都知道我们的梦想都不成熟

  They'll take us where we want to go ,他们将会带我们到我们想去的地方。

  Hold me now, touch me now ,抓紧我,碰触我,

  I don't want to live without you 。我不想生命中没有你!

  Nothing's gonna change my love for you ,没有什么能改变我对你的爱,

  You ought to know by now how much I love you ,你应该知道现在我多么的爱你!

  One thing you can be sure of ,你唯一能确定的就是,

  I'll never ask for more than your love ,除了你的爱,我别无所求。

  Nothing's gonna change my love for you ,没有什么能改变我对你的爱,

  You ought to know by now how much I love you ,你应该知道现在我多么的爱你!

  The world may change my whole life through ,世事或许会改变我的生活,

  But nothing's gonna change my love for you ,但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱!

  If the road ahead is not so easy ,如果前路艰险,

  Our love will lead the way for us ,我们的爱将像一颗启明星

  Like a guiding star ,指引着我们。

  I'll be there for you if you should need me ,如你需要我我会在你身旁,

  You don't have to change a thing ,你不需要改变什么,

  I love you just the way you are ,我按你的方式爱你,

  So come with me and share the view ,所以来我身边分享风景

  I'll help you see forever too ,我将帮你看得更远更多,

  Hold me now, touch me now ,抓紧我,碰触我,

  I don't want to live without you 。我不想生命中没有你!

  Nothing's gonna change my love for you ,没有什么能改变我对你的爱,

  You ought to know by now how much I love you ,你应该知道现在我多么的爱你!

  One thing you can be sure of ,你唯一能确定的就是,

  I'll never ask for more than your love,除了你的爱,我别无所求。

  Nothing's gonna change my love for you,没有什么能改变我对你的爱,

  You ought to know by now how much I love you ,你应该知道现在我多么的爱你!

  The world may change my whole life through ,世事或许会改变我的生活,

  But nothing's gonna change my love for you ,但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱!

  Nothing's gonna change my love for you ,没有什么能改变我对你的爱,

  You ought to know by now how much I love you ,你应该知道现在我多么的爱你!

  One thing you can be sure of ,你唯一能确定的就是,

  I'll never ask for more than your love ,除了你的爱,我别无所求。

  Nothing's gonna change my love for you ,没有什么能改变我对你的爱,

  You ought to know by now how much I love you ,你应该知道现在我多么的爱你!

  The world may change my whole life through ,世事或许会改变我的生活,

  But nothing's gonna change my love for you ,但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱!

  Nothing's gonna change my love for you ,没有什么能改变我对你的爱,

  You ought to know by now how much I love you ,你应该知道现在我多么的爱你!

  One thing you can be sure of ,你唯一能确定的就是,

  I'll never ask for more than your love ,除了你的爱,我别无所求。

  Nothing's gonna change my love for you,没有什么能改变我对你的爱,

  You ought to know by now how much I love you ,你应该知道现在我多么的爱你!

  The world may change my whole life through ,世事或许会改变我的生活,

  But nothing's gonna change my love for you ,但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱!

我们大了 自己的成人礼。不告诉别人········我 ,带着一身美丽的伤痕 ¿_完成孤单的成人礼。





