
位置:日记 > 伤感日记

desn't she my firend

时间: 2011-06-08 14:13:57  分类: 伤感日志  天气:晴天 

Today, me went out with my parent that she really want me to go out with them, me went with my parent is kind of boring butt not rreally , cuz later me and my parent went to stontawn that the app store the things there is super cool that i want to buy everythings i love app store !!!lvoe you app store's sutff ; u know what i think after i went is so stupid ~i think the app store's boss's son that want to fine a girl that does not want to app's stuff and me is the one he always give me i-phone, i- touch , i- pad and alot lot````and i don't want it later the boys like me later i know he is the app store's boss's son and i love him 2 . if this is ture i will be super happy . butt well just think ! would not happen lalala~~~!!!! other things is that me regret about didn't went with amy why i don't , cuz first i want to made them not go and go somewhere else i know i am selfive but me don't mean to , amy ~~u are my best friend ever u are so nice that i love u ❤ not that kind of love is firends love hahaha````butt my other friend alice she kind of mean don't know why ,sometime i hate her that desn't want to play with her , but amy said if we don't she may cry that was she did 1!!and my new firend jamie i just know her like few mouth but she is my best firend alrealdy!! not her cuz don't know . i don't have the feeling thar she is my best friends!:@*(#%





