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Life is a process of struggle

时间: 2011-09-16 18:10:23  分类: 伤感日志  天气:晴天 
In the most sad moment, can not forget the faith. The happiest moment, can not forget the frustrations of life. ­

Life is not covered with roses of the way, every day struggle. ­

The course of everyone's life is continued in the struggle, the purpose of life is to strive for victory and glory. ­

Sorts of people onto the ground as well as from aging, not all the time in a state of struggle. ­

We look at a celebrity biography, the success of their cause, there is no struggle not come through on the general mediocrity of life,also come from the struggle. ­
Juvenile period of life, in addition to protection by their parents, the guidance of mentoring, you must struggle with the years, struggle with the disease, if the poor family have to struggle with life. ­
To the youth, but also struggle with their own, this is the life of the preparatory period of great struggle. ­

Establishing the strength of all the prime of life, are completed in this period of learning and reserves, and is a major key to life. ­

Physical exercise is good, character self-cultivation, and academic research, and at the same time happy to fight for marriage, but also the need for market intelligence in a big fight. ­

Prime time is the most intense struggle of life, the most exciting period, people can win applause, showing the emergence of color, all look at how your efforts may be. ­

When you enter the community at the beginning, you see the magnificent appearance is brilliant, you will feel a temptation to the contrary layout around the traps, step-by-step thorns, obstacles everywhere. ­

Masato you want one, or red, celebrities, great man. ­

You have to come up with the spirit of full, and social struggle, in order to cause a血to play. ­

Wait until the winning positions, stand firm, and then use your position of power, economy and forces the wrist. ­

Develop your vision, you can play, over time, from small and large, to be continued from time to time to maintain excellence, is seeking to rectify the situation is to enrich and expand into in the end in. ­

Well, the struggle of life with a view to it? ­


We live one day, one day have to fight.­






