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When we two parted

发布时间:2022-10-14 06:47:51

  When we two parted,昔日依依别,

  In silence and tears, 泪流默默无言;

  Half broken-hearted, 离恨肝肠断,

  To serve for years, 此别又几年。

  Pale grew thy cheek and cold, 冷颊向愕然,

  Colder thy kiss, 一吻寒更添;

  Truly that hour foretold, 日后伤心事,

  Sorrow to this! 此刻已预言。

  The dew of the morning, 朝起寒露重,

  Suck chill or my brow, 凛冽凝眉间。

  It felt like the warning: 彼时已预告:

  Of what I feel now. 悲伤在今天。

  Thy cows are all broken,山盟今安在?

  And light is thy fame;汝名何轻贱!

  I hear thy name spoken,吾闻汝名传,

  And share in its shame. 羞愧在人前。

  They name thee before me,闻汝名声恶,

  A knell to mine ear;犹如听丧钟。

  A shudder comes oer me, 不禁心怵惕。

  Why wert thou so dear? 往昔情太浓。

  Thy know not I knew thee 谁知旧日情,

  who knew thee too well: 斯人知太深。

  Long,Long shall I rue thee, 绵绵长怀恨,

  Too deeply to tell. 尽在不言中。

  In secret we met, 昔日喜幽会,

  In silence I grieve, 今朝恨无声。

  That thy heart could forget,旧情汝已忘,

  Thy spirit deceive. 痴心遇薄幸。

  If I should meet thee, 多年惜别后,

  After long years, 抑或再相逢,

  How should I greet thee ? 相逢何所语?

  With silence and tears. 泪流默无声。

